January 10 1970
- (Bobby Fischer 1970 Blog) (★) (Image) The Ottawa Journal Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Saturday, January 10, 1970 - Page 36, “Match In Jeopardy”
- (Bobby Fischer 1970 Blog) (★) (Image) The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, Sunday, January 11, 1970 - Page 108, “Fischer vs. Botvinnik”
- (Bobby Fischer 1970 Blog) (★) (Image) The Boston Globe Boston, Massachusetts Sunday, January 11, 1970 - Page 218, “Russians Favorites in Match”
- (Bobby Fischer 1970 Blog) (★) (Image) The Courier-Journal Louisville, Kentucky Sunday, January 18, 1970 - Page 54, “Fischer Forces Black's Resignation in Three”
- (Bobby Fischer 1970 Blog) (★) (Image) The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California Sunday, January 25, 1970 - Page 98, “U.S.S.R. vs The World”
March 01 1970
April 01 1980
April 02 1970
April 14 1970
April 22 1970
April 28 1970
May 07 1970
- (Bobby Fischer 1970 Blog) (★) (Image) The Mercury, Pottstown, Pennsylvania, Monday, April 06, 1970 - Page 25, “Soviet Union Captures World Chess Matches”
June 1970
Bobby gave the boy Darko Nad his old Informator from 1968. The Informator is still kept in the Nad family today. In 1968, Fischer lived with the Nad family, who were the only ones in town to have a bathroom and a hot water boiler!!! [Bobby je poklonio dječaku Darku Nadu svoj stari Informator iz 1968. Informator se i danas čuva u obitelji Nad. Fischer je 1968. stanovao kod obitelji Nad koja je jedina u gradu imala kupatilo i bojler s toplom vodom!!!] Caption by Pero Sentic.
July 12 1970
July 21 1970
July 28 1970
August 15 1970
August 21 1970
- (Bobby Fischer 1970 Blog) (★) (Image) Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Mississippi, Friday, August 21, 1970 - Page 26, “U.S. Chess Star Topped By 16-Yr. Old”
September 01 1970
September 06 1970
September 07 1970
The Courier-Journal Louisville, Kentucky Monday, September 07, 1970 - Page 72 — Fischer Checkmates Miyasaka — Siegen, Germany (AP) — Robert Fischer made his first appearance for the United States chess team in Siegen's Olympic Tournament yesterday defeating Miyasaka of Japan in 30 moves.
September 15 1970
September 16 1970
September 20 1970
September 21 1970
September 23 1970
- (Bobby Fischer 1970 Blog) (★) (Image) The Times-News, Twin Falls, Idaho, Wednesday, September 23, 1970 - Page 15, “Bobby Fischer vs Boris Spassky at 19th chess Olympiad”
September 27 1970
September 29 1970
November 01 1970
November 30 1970
Bobby Fischer in Vinkovci, 1970. In the company of Anđelko Bilušić and Vikica Vuković. [Fischer u Vinkovcima, 1970. U društvu Anđelka Bilušića i Vikice Vuković.] Caption by Pero Sentic. Original b/w photographer, unknown.
Fischer in Vinkovci, 1970. He reads the local newspaper “Novosti Vinkovci”. I own all the photos! [Fischer u Vinkovcima, 1970. Čita lokalni list "Novosti" Vinkovci. Ja sam vlasnik svih fotografija!] Caption by Pero Sentic. Original b/w photographer, unknown.
Fischer in Vinkovci, 1970. In the company of Tomislav Ledić, later a FIDE master. [Fischer u Vinkovcima, 1970. U društvu Tomislava Ledića, kasnije FIDE majstora.] Caption by Pero Sentic. Original b/w photographer, unknown.
November 29 1970